Friday, June 19, 2009

Pixar is "Cry More" in Nerd Speak

ralph: There's a 2-3 second clip of each of two different pixar films that makes me lose it, reliably, every time, like astrozombie's fucking girlfriend. My GF has only figured out one of them, thank god
betaray: oh I forgot about the astrozombie's girlfriend thing
gordonfrohman: let's guess the pixar clips that makes ralph cry
betaray: where she cries to the walle trailer
betaray: every time
gordonfrohman: finding nemo, when the ellen fish is all "When I look at you I'm home"
ralph: nope
gordonfrohman: hm
ralph: wow, I'm not playing
KatyaOnThePc: in toy story 2 with the sarah maclaughlin song
itchy: ha
ralph: when he spots lower back pinstriping on the porsche
gordonfrohman: Bug's Life, when the grasshopper rapes the little ant girl
itchy: ha
gordonfrohman: (director's cut)
KatyaOnThePc: when they first hsow the evil toy collector in toy story 2, and you realize what you yourself have become
betaray: in a very subtle way
bigjimslade: (when Coppolla directed it)
gordonfrohman: Rattatouille, when you realize it's fucking boring
betaray: never caught the rat movie
gordonfrohman: WALL-E, when you realize the director is very very subtley pointing out that humans are kinda lazy
gordonfrohman: probably took you about three viewings to really see it
gordonfrohman: because it's so subtle
itchy: Monsters, Inc. when Mike slices open up Sulley and climbs inside to prevent from freezing in the frozen wasteland
gordonfrohman: I don't think The Incredibles had a weepy moment, which was probably why it kicked so much ass
itchy: true
itchy: there wasn't one
ralph: wait what about mom telling kids to be strong before she left them?
spruce: what about when Mr. Incredible thought his family was dead?
itchy: except maybe when he thought his family had died and he looked all defeated
ralph: I mean, yeah. it kicked ass
betaray: yeah the family bonding moments
KatyaOnThePc: hey what about when he thought everyone was dead
betaray: come on
KatyaOnThePc: or the time he thought everyone was dead
gordonfrohman: but they weren't dead so why is that sad
KatyaOnThePc: also when he thought they were dead
spruce: listen you
itchy: katyaonthepc should just shut it
KatyaOnThePc: i wish itchy was dead
itchy: i am ... on the inside
cheesoning: wow - that just made me cry
gordonfrohman: maybe when it turns out Gay Beam or whatever is dead in a cave
gordonfrohman: Gayclops
cheesoning: Gay Beam is better.
gordonfrohman: Gayblast
KatyaOnThePc: Gayzer
gordonfrohman: maybe in that short where the old man plays chess against himself. it's sad because someone spent a year on that
KatyaOnThePc: Gayzerbeam
spruce: HomosexualBeam
KatyaOnThePc: Lovethatdarenotspeakshisnameeyeballshooter
gordonfrohman: Bi-Clops
KatyaOnThePc: er its name
cheesoning: Rod Beamzergay
spruce: Bottom Blaster

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