Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bea, Drag Queens, and Games

spruce: funny because it's true
Niteowl: it's funny because he makes an outrageous living making stick figures.
spruce: that's less funny
ralph: he's LOADED. Gold zippers, you know what I'm sayin'?
Niteowl: well, highly polished brass, but you get the idea
ralph: My new idea: tv series of F Troop, but update the setting to Fallujah
gordonfrohman: you could do hogan's heroes but in gitmo
gordonfrohman: "HOoooooganababi! I'm gonna shove this chemlight up your ass."
gordonfrohman: and then he does
ralph: HAH
gordonfrohman: not really a comedy
itchy: i want to know what kind of ponzi scheme ralph pulled to live the life he does
ralph: heh
ralph: what life is that?
ralph: you, me , chris, titter, pharm, grego, were playing tf2 and my life is charmed?
ralph: I'm laughing into my velvet smoking jacket
ralph: while getting blown by an actress
itchy: ha
ralph: F troop quotes: Corporal Randolph Agarn: How do you get to Fort Courage? That's easy. You take a right at the rock that looks like a bear, then a left at the bear that looks like a rock...
ralph: And get smart quotes
spruce: meta, Bea Arthur's been dead for a month now.
spruce: thought you should know
bigjimslade: pfft
ralph: I miss that dude
bigjimslade: Bea shall never die
itchy: i had a dream with the golden girls in it last night ... no shit
itchy: betty white was selling figurines in her basement
itchy: i was lost
itchy: ended up there
gordonfrohman: you woke up before things got dirty?
itchy: that's because they like a challenge ralph
spruce: so you might want to let up on the blowjobs from her
ralph: HA spruce. Yes that's the one I was talking about katya--it's a source engine mod
Katya: cool
Katya: i wonder how many of us are interestd in it
ralph: looks really cool--good visuals, well thought out classes (assault, recon,heavy)
ralph: set in Japan
gordonfrohman: guess I could try it
ralph: I found a tutorial a while back
itchy: katya: don't forget to restart dl
liquidindian: That's what Japan's like, too.
bigjimslade: are there docs?
Katya: apparently according to their forums they need a proofreader
liquidindian: I was assault when I was there.
ralph: I was dressed as a giant baby
bigjimslade: you were dressed? amateurs
gordonfrohman: that's my plan to get into game development
gordonfrohman: find games with shitty language, proof/rewrite it for them in exchange for a credit
gordonfrohman: before you know it, I can list a ton of games on my resume, then I get hired by BioWare and BAM
gordonfrohman: something happens
gordonfrohman: I quit because I hate MMOs probably
itchy: ha
itchy: i need a plan to BAM make something happen
bigjimslade: it's more solid than squidi's plan
spruce: It's probably more fun making MMOs than it is playing them
bigjimslade: I dunno
bigjimslade: I would think I'd get really really tired of the game really quickly
bigjimslade: unless I was in a purely creative part of the team
itchy: really?
bigjimslade: yeah, I almost went for a job as game qa, but decided not to, I can get tired of a game VERY quickly, and imagine if it's in development, and your only task that day is to measure metrics in a buggy environment
bigjimslade: A couple weeks of that, and you'll be in Wal-Mart, "Yeah, can I see that Smith and Wesson? Yeah, thanks MRRMMPH *BLAM*"
bigjimslade: and then Filter writes a song about you
gordonfrohman: or Pearl Jam

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