Friday, June 19, 2009

Doughnuts > Mushrooms > Penis

gordonfrohman: Donut Bumper
cheesoning: why do donuts have to come into this?
spruce: who's coming into donuts?
Cyrano: Because if you put them in the microwave and stack them they're almost as good as sex with a chick who's not that into you?
bigjimslade: I wouldn't know what the latter feels like
bigjimslade: THEY ALL ARE
Cyrano: They also kinda look like goatse'd buttholes, to get back on theme.
cheesoning: well, time to switch to coffee cake.
cheesoning: dammit - THAT'S FROSTED TOO
itchy: i honestly can't tell if you guys want to eat donuts, or just have sex with them
Cyrano: you've just got it in the wrong order, itchy.
cheesoning: that sausage picture is great
betaray: looks like someone's ready for the sausage party
betaray: mushrooms are nsfw
itchy: oh my
Cyrano: it's like a porn movie gone wrong.
Cyrano: or right, if you're German.
spruce: I've harvested those in Oblivion. Now I feel dirty.
betaray: I think I saw that in an anime once
itchy: looks like somebody just banged a chocolate donut
Cyrano: hawt.
betaray: ha!
cheesoning: I like the guy smoking lettuce with the bottle of cognac
cheesoning: in congress
betaray: (btw stinkhorns come from the family Phallaceae)
gordonfrohman: good for poison arrows
cheesoning: I have a new name for my penis
cheesoning: and sure, you're thinking "stinkhorn"
spruce: the old stinkhorn?
cheesoning: but it'phallaceae
cheesoning: *it's
betaray: Phallus impudicus basically means stinky penis
cheesoning: YOU added the impudicus
cheesoning: imPUDicus
gordonfrohman: get a lot of that at the hospital?
Cyrano: I'm afraid if I fully parse the word "stinkhorn" in my brain I'll never get laid again just on general principle.
cheesoning: that's the new name of my penis
betaray: this came up in microbiology :)
Cyrano: Women will look at me and know i've thought of calling my dick "stinkhorn" and it'll all be over.
cheesoning: "meet imPUDicus the destroyer"
Cyrano: Shit. Did I just lose the game?
betaray: then you'll meet some nun, and she'll be all, "Why do you call your dick stinky the destroyer?"
cheesoning: only with the magic of copy and paste (and the e-mail addresses of the 'women' you're talking about)
cheesoning: I'll be all "take a whiff"
betaray: haha
cheesoning: then she'll be all "this smells like three-day-old donuts"
betaray: which will be the one thing capable of making her break her vows
betaray: Man, we could almost sell this as a romantic comedy
betaray: we just need some more dialog
Cyrano: And the chick who plays Penny on Lost.
ralph: I call my dick "Gilligan"
cheesoning: nice
cheesoning: got it
ralph: 'cause "The Captain" is just too grandiose
spruce: Sister Act 3: Bad Habits
cheesoning: little buddy
Cyrano: Do we wanna know what you call "Skipper"?
cheesoning: Sister Act 3: Do you Smell Donuts?

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