Monday, June 22, 2009

D.A.R.E. is doing it wrong.

niteowl: so... you guys are really hard selling the mary-jane
niteowl: what's the point, exactly?
cheesoning: well, when you don't pass out or barf, it's AWESOME
itchy: i never really enjoyed it too much personally
ralph: you basically spend three hours TERRIFIED that everyone else thinks you're really stoned
itchy: but makes ben and jerrys the best thing ever
niteowl: hrm, overeating, paranoia
greenskpr: yeah meta that was it
itchy: ha
itchy: bingo
niteowl: what else can i get from this ganja?
cheesoning: the herp
greenskpr: I was terrified that i couldn't talk
greenskpr: I literally went and layed down on a couch
niteowl: terror, ok, the list of effects sounds super rad
itchy: ha
ralph: I mean, you're worried about what the people who were smoking pot with think about how you're handling the pot you smoked
niteowl: wait! excuses to take a NAP!? that's a huge plus
ralph: not that some authority figure cares

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