Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Poor Retorts

ralph: and niteowl, the 70s saab 900s were quirky, indestructable, and peerless snow cars
ralph: they just had a slight problem: in order to do anything more involved than changing a spark plug, you had to open the hood, remove the engine, disassemble the chassis, and reduce all components to base elements before starting work.
niteowl: what's that, English Major with both parents holding advanced degrees and/or private school education and/or work in the Humanities and/or finance and/and non-profit work and a Law Degree himself?
ralph: my parents had a volvo.
cheesoning: heh
***ralph realizes he's not helping himself.
cheesoning: SERVED
niteowl: i couldn't hear you over the fair-trade no-slave labour fucking expensive americano you were drinking
niteowl: HUGS
ralph: so, you're pro-slave labor?
cheesoning: fair-trade no-slave labour fucking expensive americanos do not make any noise.
niteowl: they way ralph drinks them, they do
niteowl: when it means i can have a coffee AND an egg mcmuffin, yes
ralph: asians can't eat eggs.
***ralph got nothing
niteowl: ralph: we eat lots of eggs, just rarely with breakfast
niteowl: rice and some sort of canned meat product? be better with eggs
niteowl: soup? raw egg in there
niteowl: egg? why not add an egg?

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