Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Target Market

ralph: somebody please explain to me why Oakley is still in business? everything they make except for two pairs of shades is utter plastic crap
stresstwig: ralph: oakley has the same target market that think oakleys are the shit
cheesoning: they sell TONS of goggles
ralph: oh. The Douche Segment.
stresstwig: yep.
ralph: actually the goggles aren't bad
Niteowl: a massive and burgeoning market segment
cheesoning: motorcyclists, skiers, etc.
ralph: jet-skiiers
ralph: guys who like to be called Steverino
cheesoning: aerodynamics testers
Niteowl: HEY HEY HEY Monkerino!
cheesoning: that guy who takes a cannon ball to the gut in the 50s
ralph: guys who drink mountain dew for reasons other than the taste.
Niteowl: guys who don't get irony
stresstwig: guys who eat zinc lozenges
Niteowl: guys who think that Axe totally works
Niteowl: guys who buy beer hoping that beer commercial complete with scantily clad supermodels will burst forth
Niteowl: guys who buy the Sport package for their Tracker
bigjimslade: guys who think going to PAX is a fun trip
Niteowl: guys who wait in a party, coat on, hoping for someone to say 'what is that material', to which he could say, in the most off-handed and practiced nonchalant way, 'camel-hair'
Niteowl: guys who are the youngest, by about 30 years, members of their local Elk Club
bigjimslade: guy swho buy tan-in-a-bottle, and wear white shirts with maybe one button buttoned out to a club
chundo left the room.
bigjimslade: oh, sorry, I think I hurt chundo's feelings

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