Thursday, December 10, 2009


gordonfrohman: wow, that guy also has the nickname "Shark Man of the Delta"
gordonfrohman: surely no one ever called him that
niteowl: and when you say 'no one', you mean himself and his publicist, right?
liquidindian: I going to replace the bit that says I work well in a team on my resume with that.
gordonfrohman: apparently he infiltrated Air Force One
spruce: he probably knew a guy who worked on Air Force One and asked his buddy to let him sit in one of the chairs for a second
spruce: "Wheee! I'm the president! Look at me! Fire missiles! PEWPEW!"
spruce: "Alright Dick, get out of here before my boss finds out"
spruce: "You mean Shark Man of the Delta, Larry!"
gordonfrohman: A number of nicknames have been ascribed to Marcinko, including "Rogue Warrior", "Demo Dick", "Shark Man of the Delta" and "The Geek".
gordonfrohman: kinda runs the gamut
gordonfrohman: how do you go from being a shark man to a geek
liquidindian: Spectacles.
liquidindian: And a goatee.
gordonfrohman: He had such nicknames as "The Brawler", "Tank Fists", and "Panties McWinkle"
liquidindian: He was probably called 'The Geek' because he read a book once.
gordonfrohman: maybe he disgused himself as a nerd to get on Air Force One
liquidindian: My Dad told me that he knew someone known as 'The Brain' where he used to work in the 70s. Turns out he was the guy with the calculator.
bigjimslade: NARF

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