Wednesday, August 5, 2009


stresstwig: if there is any acting career i want, it is to be the guy who re-enacts pbs science shows
stresstwig: like the dude who just sits in a columned room and scribbles with a quill
stresstwig: occasionally looking at a telescope
Faux Real: massive wig
stresstwig: yea
Faux Real: heavy makeup
spruce: floppy hat
Faux Real: Vaseline wig
spruce: I like the shows that interview famous people of the past as if there were television crews in 1456 or whatever
spruce: I want them to be distracted by the camera, their eyes keep wandering to it, looking at it quizzically, or maybe a little fearfully. The interviewer has to keep trying to focus their attention on him, except that he's dressed in a silver jumpsuit that all time-travellers wear, which is also kind of freaky.
spruce: "Lord Protector Cromwell, when you subdued Ireland... Lord Protector, over here. Pay no attention to the man holding the machine. No, no I assure you it contains no demons. Ah, no sir, I'm not catholic... please, the interview?"

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