Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Death of Britannica

Niteowl: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1940/
Niteowl: man, who the fuck would buy shit from this dude
stresstwig: what dude
itchy entered the room.
bigjimslade: itchy, in fact
bigjimslade: seriously would you buy shit from him?
itchy: i have nothing for sale
stresstwig: he seems like a respectable guy
spruce: tell that to all the encyclopedia salesmen locked in his basement
itchy: but i will tell you that i just made short work of a glazed donut
stresstwig: i like that in a person
cheesoning: good man
bigjimslade: *that* I find easy to believe
stresstwig: sold!
spruce: he's got a giant bookshelf full of the free "A" volumes of all the different brands of encyclopedias. It's the last thing those poor salesmen ever see.
itchy: what a great idea for a b horror short
itchy: death of an encyclopedia salesman
Faux Real: i'll play biff!
stresstwig: at the end the bookcase should fall on him
stresstwig: and then he looks over in his dying movement and looks at an encyclopedia and the page is turned to perish
stresstwig: or abrogate if he only has a's

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