herrdoktor: so last trip, the vet recommends a Specialist. internal medicine. for cats. wtf, right? so i figure, look. whatever. i'm so over steam-cleaning cat shit from the rug, and i feel bad for the dood, who otherwise looks perfectly healthy and has been acting like his usual, aso self.
herrdoktor: i go. he gets his belly shaven and gets an ultrasound. POW! 300 bucks. no answers.
spruce: had a friend whose cat did that. Turned out to be more of an issue with the cat being pissed off about something
herrdoktor: goes today for a upper endoscopy, man. 700 bucks.
herrdoktor: no fucking answers.
herrdoktor: "we'll see what the biopsy shows."
stresstwig: i know a guy who will shave a cat's belly for five bucks, ten if it's raining
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