Monday, February 22, 2010

Worst. Dominoes. Promotion. Ever.

it©hy: this made me think of ralph for some reason
it©hy: you can take that any way you like
cheesoning: oh, and you can get a lab coat and goggles here:
betaray: I do own a lab coat and goggles
betaray: so that's doable
ralph: jesus fuck itchy exactly.
ralph: I'm not exactly clothed here
ralph: apart from my lab coat and goggles
bigjimslade: well at least you are wearing that robe
betaray: and wizard's hat
ralph: and I got a pizza on my junk
cheesoning: HOT SAUCE
bigjimslade: that's a pretty small slice
stresstwig: i see what you did thar
betaray: that's called a herpes canker ralph

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