Thursday, August 13, 2009


Cyrano: i do feel a bit biley.
Niteowl: at least it's not white bile, you can get chafing trying to get that out
Faux Real: bilimous!
Cyrano: you're a reverse bile racist.
Niteowl: i'm of course, referring to baby batter, man sauce, love hollandaise, the buttery effuse, tadpole soup!
Faux Real: phlebitis!
stresstwig: they're so not antonyms
stresstwig: somebody who is maudlin can be melancholy
stresstwig: some of the alternate definitions might be
cheesoning: I thought the kids referred to the combo as "emo"
Faux Real: sorry i can't talk right now my sister set her music player on ratatat and i can't find where it is in the house
Faux Real: but i can hear it
Niteowl: i'm trying to think up slang for sperm and all stresstwig can think about is 'antonyms'!?
cheesoning: baby gravy
Faux Real: pant a nyms
Cyrano: man batter
Faux Real: skeet
Faux Real: spluge
Faux Real: blood in a tick (thank you donne)
Faux Real: celestial excitement (that one is cicero)
Cyrano: your mom's favorite snack.
Niteowl: your kid brother's favourite snack
Faux Real: then their are the locative names
Faux Real: like pearl necklace
Niteowl: true, Faux Real, chin splatter
cheesoning: mousse
ralph: jizz
Niteowl: teeth whitener
ralph: baby batter
Faux Real: lipstick
ralph: advice: do not google "slang for sperm" and then click on a bodybuilding forum

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